Als je Mensen Optimaal inzet, dan volgt het Resultaat als vanzelf; en dat al 40 jaar lang…. McDonald’s UK

If you get the people right the rest will follow and after the results delivered by Investors in People I can say that it’s apparent we are certainly getting it right. I have never underestimated the challenge of staff retention and contentment which are absolutely fundamental to a successful business. Achieving Investors in People recognition just highlights how we strive to achieve high standards it has helped us to refine the good practice we already have in place.” stelde Steve Easterbrook, Chief Executive and President McDonalds UK, op het moment dat zijn organisatie opnieuw de accreditatie als ‘Investor in People’ had verlengd (case study). Inmiddels is McDonald’s UK alweer enige tijd (ook, zoals VAUXHALL in de entry hiervoor) een GOUDEN Investor in People.

Vandaag publiceert McDonald’s UK het rapport Serving the UK, McDonald’s at 40 n.a.v. het feit dat de organisatie 40 jaar aanwezig is in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De subtitel van het rapport: ‘the economic contribution of McDonald’s to the UK economy’. Het dient gezegd te worden: onafhankelijk onderzoekers komen tot indrukwekkende resultaten: “The report finds that overall the business and its supply chain is estimated to be worth £2.5 billion annually to the UK economy – and that over the past 40 years, the total economic contribution is £40 billion.” Da’s zo’n € 50 miljard…..

Ook v.w.b. werkgelegenheid zijn de getallen indrukwekkend: “Today, McDonald’s is one of the UK’s largest private sector employers. 94,600 people are employed by McDonald’s directly and through its franchises, and its contribution to the economy supports 130,600 jobs in the UK each year, both directly and indirectly through supply chain partners.” Als je zoveel mensen aan het werk houdt, dan is het inderdaad relevant dat je op de investering let die je in hen doet.

In het rapport lezen we in het hoofdstuk CONTRIBUTING TO SKILLS AND SOCIAL MOBILITY:

  • The company has helped hundreds of thousands of young people get their first taste of work. Today, McDonald’s is estimated to provide 70,000 jobs to young people aged 16-25, making it one of the largest employers of young people in the UK.” Je kent dat wel: als student of starter op de arbeidsmarkt, vind je je 1e baan bij McDonald’s.
  • From maths and English to Foundation Degrees, McDonald’s offers nationally recognised qualifications that remain with its people throughout their careers, whether at McDonald’s or elsewhere.” McDonald’s ziet er geen probleem in jongeren op te leiden voor werk dat zelfs buiten de eigen organisatie ligt: investeren in talent dat loyaal blijft aan je organisatie, wie weet worden zij je klant ‘word of mouth’…..
  • Since 2006, over 55,000 qualifications have been gained by employees across the business. Over 36% (19,930) of qualifications received are equivalent to GCSE English and maths. Another 30% (16,600) are a Level 2 Apprenticeship (equivalent to 5 A-C GCSEs). Investment in training through Apprenticeships has been assisted by Government funding.” Dat in de periode dat McDonald’s een Investor in People is.

Mooie resultaten. McDonald’s UK zelf hierover met het antwoord op de vraag: “What makes us proud?

We know that a lot of people haven’t heard about the good things we’ve been up to – our training, career opportunities, rewards and benefits, to name a few. External recognition is important to us to benchmark McDonald’s against other industry-leading employers.” Vandaar dat ook deze werkgever een Gouden IiP-er is……

McDonald’s UK gaat door met investeren in mensen want bij de publicatie van Serving the UK, McDonald’s at 40 maakt de (potentiële) werkgever bekend 8.000 nieuwe banen te creëren voor jonge talenten; mooi. 😉

Ook geïnteresseerd?



Starbucks is hardly the first firm to pay college fees for some staff, though other employers typically do so only to give them specific skills needed by the firm, and require them to remain on the payroll for some period after completing the course. Starbucks employees will have no such obligation, though Mr Schultz says he hopes they will see enough career potential with the company to want to do so. He thinks shareholders will benefit because employees will be more motivated and loyal.” Bron: The ECONOMIST: ‘From Baristas to BA-ristas; STARBUCKS treats its workers to a shot of Higher Education’

Wat STARBUCKS hier doet sluit aan op het initiatief van McDONALDS: in je medewerkers investeren tot over je organisatiegrenzen heen; ook of opnieuw mooi.


McUK IiP Gold