‘Het is alleen maar een plaatje aan de muur, toch? FOUT, het is zoveel meer.’

It’s just a badge on the wall right?  WRONG it is so much more. iip Principle logo SMALL 72dpi

It is a reflection of the company’s commitment to its workforce and of their commitment to the company.

The past few years have been tough on the PCB industry.  The global recession, coupled with increased competition from China, has seen many UK circuit board shops close their doors. But having a 2 way commitment with our workforce has meant we have been able to buck this trend by offering customers more than they can get elsewhere.  Quick lead times are now the mainstay of our work with PCBs frequently supplied in 3 working days, 2 working days or even as little as 24 hours. 

But it isn’t just about lead times.  When a customer asks “can you?…” we have been able to say “YES”. This is because everyone in the company understands that the reason people return to Minnitron is not just a quality product and quick lead times, they can get that from a number of different companies, but because we provide things that are priceless, the things they cannot buy at any price – personal service, our experience, our enthusiasm, our willingness to help.

It doesn’t just stop there. It makes it easier to introduce new circuit types, such as metal-clad printed circuit boards (MPCBs) for LED applications. IiP also reflects how we think as a company and that ethos has been applied to working with other companies to provide additional, but relevant, services such as design, layout, assembly and  testing. 

We might have the badge on the wall, but it means so much more.”

Zo’n statement n.a.v. het behalen van de accreditatie als ‘Investor in People’ kom je zelden tegen. Zelden zie je een commitment niet alleen aan IiP maar ook aan de mensen waarmee & waarvoor je werkt, zo sterk verwoord.

OK, de werkgevers die een ‘Investor in People’ zijn, zijn over het algemeen tevreden tot zéér tevreden (NB: in NL wordt dat verwoord in iets als ‘We zien het Rendement!‘; ook héél mooi natuurlijk. 😉 ), maar kernachtig uitleg geven wat de betekenis is van het ‘plaatje’ zoals dat je klanten/je bezoekers bij je organisatie aan de muur zien hangen, dat zie je (dus) zelden.

Compliment aan Paul Goodfellow en zijn team van MINNITRON, Investor in People sinds 2004.

Bron: minnitron.co.uk

Bron: minnitron.co.uk

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