Investors in People: onze Missie, onze Visie, onze Kernwaarden

Onze Missie: de kwaliteit van het managen van mensen verhogen om te kunnen komen tot betere prestaties. D.i. een vertaling van het Mission Statement van Investors in People International.

To raise the Standard of People Management for Higher Performance.

Recent verzorgde ik Masterclasses Strategisch Management. Een succesvolle Strategie beschikt over een Missie (‘wat voegen wij toe?’ c.q. ‘wat maakt ons onderscheidend, zelfs uniek?’), een Visie (‘waar staan wij in 2025, in 2050, etc.?’) en daarvan afgeleid de Kernwaarden van de organisatie (de basis voor zowel je business model als je organisatiecultuur).

Ook Investors in People Int. beschikt hierover. Om je een beeld te vormen over de IiP Community kan het handig zijn deze Missie, Visie en Kernwaarden te kennen.

The UK economy misses out on efficiency gains of £84bn, due to poor people management and leadership, which is a waste of talent and opportunity.*

Investors in People exists to enable more organisations to succeed by realising the potential of their people. It’s a simple idea that drives everything we do. Our research proves that organisations that focus on achieving excellence in people management enjoy a performance premium compared to those that don’t.

Factors including inspiring leadership, clear values and a culture of continuous improvement explain why some organisations achieve better results than others.

By capturing and sharing these factors, constantly evolving to reflect latest practice, and providing external performance benchmarks, the Investors in People Standard reflects the features of organisations that consistently outperform industry peers.

It’s a simple roadmap for Outperformance.

D.i. de toelichting op het Mission Statement van IiP Int. Dat de eerste zin zich richt op de Britse economie komt voort uit het feit dat het Investors in People Raamwerk 25 jaar geleden ontstond op voorspraak van de Britse Overheid. Inmiddels wordt het raamwerk in 75 landen toegepast. Niet alleen de Britse economie, ook andere economieën kunnen profiteren van het beter managen van mensen, van medewerkers…

Our Vision:

To be the Global Standard  for People Management.

Vertaling is niet nodig, denk ik. De toelichting op de Visie:

We know the difference great people management makes. We want to share the benefits of investing in people with  the world. Building on our existing network across 75 countries, and the sound principles of High Performance Working, our ambition is to grow our global network to 20,000 by 2020.

In order to achieve this we will:

  • Keep ahead of the latest workplace trends and academic research to continually update the content of the Standard
  • Ensure we are consistent and fair in our assessment decisions, by providing a simple yet robust approach,  to maintain the credibility and reliability of the Investors in People Standard
  • Continue to differentiate and recognise organisations that drive outperformance by accrediting only the best.

Onze Kernwaarden vormen een cruciaal onderdeel van onze organisatiecultuur, onderbouwen onze Strategie en zijn ingebed in ons product.

Our Values are engrained in our culture, underpin our strategy, and are embedded in our product.

  • People first– Everything we do is guided by the belief that organisations succeed by realising the potential of people. Achieving our ambition starts with building trusted relationships with our people, our partners and our clients
  • Excellence– Upholding standards is our business and at the heart of our brand. Our people, our products and our approach to clients is driven by the belief that if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well
  • Continuous improvement– Better tomorrow than today. Learning from the best and seeking to outperform is our habit. This starts with always learning and always listening  to bring this insight to our customers through our market leading product
  • Sustainability – We believe in making decisions for the  long term. This means paying close attention to the big trends and drivers in the economy, workforce demographics and technology, and bringing a focus on sustainability through our product
  • Leadership– Inspiring and motivating our customers  starts with inspiring and motivating our people. This begins with vision, focus and motivation at every level of our business. This enables us to lead the discussion and ensure that everyone sees the benefit of investing in people.

Onze Kernwaarden zijn: de Mens op de eerste plaats, streven haar het Excellente c.q. naar het Beste, Continue Verbeteren, Duurzaamheid en Leiderschap.

Met als basis deze Missie, Visie en Kernwaarden zijn we je organisatie uiteraard graag van dienst op weg naar Outperformance!

Bron: Investors in People brand book.


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